Hacks to Help You Save On Heating This Winter


The winter months can be tough on your energy bill, especially when it comes to heating your home. But there are plenty of simple and effective ways to save on heating costs while keeping your home warm and comfortable. Here are some hacks to help you save on heating this winter.

Use Draft Stoppers to Seal up Any Gaps

One of the biggest sources of heat loss in a home is gaps around windows and doors. These openings can let cold air enter your home and warm air escape, causing your heating system to work harder and use more energy. You can seal up these gaps using draft stoppers and keep your home more energy efficient.


Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to set different temperatures for different times of the day, so you can turn down the heat when you’re not home and turn it up when you’re about to return. This can save you a significant amount on your heating costs, as you’re not heating an empty home. The money mini blog suggests setting the temperature back by 10 to 15 degrees when you’re not home.

Use a Space Heater to Heat Individual Rooms

Rather than heating your entire home to a high temperature, consider using a space heater to heat individual rooms that you’re using. This can save you money on your energy bill, as you’re only heating the space you’re currently in. Just be sure to turn off the space heater when you’re not in the room to avoid wasting energy.

Insulate Your Attic and Crawl Spaces

Proper insulation is key to keeping your home warm in the winter and cools in the summer. Insulating your attic and crawl spaces can help prevent heat loss and keep your home more energy efficient. You have a few options for insulation, so be sure to research and find the best solution for your home.

Clean or Replace Your Air Filters

Your furnace filters should be checked monthly during the winter and changed if necessary. This will help your heating system run more efficiently and keep your home warm without using too much energy. Clean air filters also reduce the dust and allergens circulating in your home.

Set Your Ceiling Fans to Run in a Clockwise Direction

Most ceiling fans have a switch that allows you to change the direction in which they spin. In the winter, you can set your ceiling fans to run clockwise, pushing warm air down into the room. This can help reduce your reliance on your heating system and save you money on your energy bill. By implementing some of these simple hacks, you can save on heating costs this winter and keep your home warm and comfortable. Don’t let high energy bills get you down; take action and start saving today.